San Jose Police

San Jose Police Department

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To whom it may concern:

I am a 25 year Police veteran and command the Training Division of the San Jose Police Department.

I have seen the negative effects of stress on many colleagues over the years, and so I was happy to offer the Gamow’s seminar to a group of sworn and civilian members of our department. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with so many folks indicating that we needed to offer it again, to MORE Police employees.

Since the seminar, I have personally used the techniques many times and I have spoken with many of those who attended – all report success, greater calm through tumultuous situations and less stress when faced with otherwise overwhelming workloads. I strongly recommend their course to anyone.

Michael H., Commander, S.J.P.D. Training Division

San Jose Police Department
Bureau of Administration – Training Division
1302 North Fourth Street
San Jose, CA 95112
(received by email)


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